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Exploring Music during Daycare time

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Group Lessons

Only $7 per lesson*

Ages 0-6

*may change if less than 15 kids in a class


Benefits of Playing a musical instrument 

Music increases toddler's sensory development

Music can improve literacy and numeracy

Music is a mood lifter

Music helps toddlers build coordination

Music can help toddlers build their vocabulary

Instruments that will be explored
over our lessons

Instruments the kids get to play and explore with individually

Meet Our Director

Emily is a local mum who loves seeing children experience and grow to love music. As founder and director of Musical Pathways, Emily is classically trained in both piano and trumpet, performed in a range of orchestras and bands, and has broad and extensive experience in teaching all ages of children from preschool to adolescents. 


Emily draws on her classically trained music education, church musical leadership and performance experience to provide a comprehensive and diverse musical program.


Experiences of our Clients...

Musical Pathways has been a wonderful experience for the children. The classes are engaging, and the instructor is patient and knowledgeable. 

Childcare Educator

Our son calls the director "Musical Aunty" - this shows the care she has for the kids.  They have fun.

Parent of Child attending daycare

Musical Pathways gives my child an opportunity to learn music during daycare time.  It allows us to have more Family time on my weekends. 

Emily, Parent of child attending daycare

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